rankings (TESTING)
hall of shame
Ghost. Last commit: 28/6/2008 5.35p | Client: v0.02 | # of testers: 83
Index » Information

28 June by Julian
20 June by Julian

» Sourceforge
» Your name here!


Server requirements

- FreeBSD 6.2+ or Windows x86_64
- Note: Linux will not work. Only *BSD kernels will run this. (Darwin/OSX = Yes)
- PHP 6.0
- PostgreSQL (latest stable)
- FreeBSD ports tree updated (portsnap)
- Unfiltered internet access (all ports open)
- A good text editor (vim!)
- A sense of humor

Client requirements

- Windows x86 or Windows x86_64


Use "svn co https://[url recieved in email]/svnroot/ghostpms"
After public final release, tarballs and (possibly) Windows binaries will be available.

A few questions

Why do you use PGSQL instead of MySQL or flatfile?
Much faster, more scalable, and I like it :)
Got a question?
Submit it.
06/20/08 by Matthew


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